Saturday, September 1, 2007

The Episode in Which I First See Celebration

So how does a born and bred mountain man come to be in Celebration, Florida? When I tell you, I doubt that you'll believe me. I've been living here for over a year and I'm not sure I believe it.

When last we met I was on my way to the "World" with my Susan and the girls. And I loved every hour, every minute and every second of it. They taught me the things that everyone going to Disney needs to know (Hello, Fastpass I'm talking to you) in order to make the most of their trip. So I did what any red blooded, totally obsessed Disney Freak would do. I went back. A lot. Not that that was easy. Do you know how hard it is to plan a trip to Florida when your plan also has to include getting a person to stay at your place to feed three dogs and two cats. "And you'll love the two Belles; Lilly and Clara, mind the white one, she butts. I bottled fed those goats since they were babies so they're like big dogs. With horns. Oh yeah , I almost forgot. You'll also need you to feed and water forty chickens and three ducks, please don't forget to collect the eggs. I guess you should feed the rabbits while you're out there".

The chickens were a Christmas present from me to Susan. Yes, really. I'll bet you've never been walking down Main Street U.S.A. and gotten a call because the goats knocked down the fence and the chickens are running wild and what should I do now?

We went to Disney every chance we could. Susan and I were bad parents (it's easy to believe of me, but not Sue). We lied, so that we could go without the kids once. We both worked for the same company and we told the girls that we had to take a business trip. Four days in Florida. Four days in Disney without any whining or crying. Okay, I whined a little, but I really didn't want to go on Mission Space two times in a row. It upsets my tummy worse than the $5.00 all you can eat Super China Buffet. Not the one over by the $4.99 all you can eat pizza. That one's okay. I mean the other one, two blocks up, by the $6.99 all you can eat lobster and seafood place.

In all of our trips though we never made it to Celebration. We thought about it. But we always stayed "on property" (Sue taught me that) and never rented a car (take the bus, leave the driving to us). So the one time I actually did come down to Florida on business I thought if I have a few minutes, what the heck. My first mistake was telling Susan. As I told you before, you can't mention anything to Susan, even in passing without her taking whatever actions are necessary to make it happen. I'd say I'm a thinker and Sue's a doer. But I'm not even a thinker.

There I was, driving through Celebration for the first time, doing all the things that I now yell at other people for, "HEY TEX, it's a friggin' house. Don't they have any where you come from? You're blocking traffic. People live here you know." It was dusk and the lights of the AMC Theatre were reflecting on the lake. The fountain was bubbling. People were strolling. Kids were frolicking. I wasn't sweating. It was beautiful. That's when I did it. It was that phone call. It's all so clear. Susan will tell you that I moved us here, but that's not true. Not even a little. I would never leave my beloved mountains. What I did do however was make a little joke. I called my wife on the cell phone, and when she answered, the first thing out of my mouth was, "Sell the house, I'm not coming home." And she did. And here I am.

True Story.

By the way, if you put the fence back up, put the goats in the barn and leave the gate open on the chicken run, the chickens will come home by themselves when it starts to get dark. Chickens always come home to roost.

See ya real soon!

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