Saturday, September 8, 2007

Be Careful What You Say...

...Because God is listening and could use a good laugh right about now!

I used to start each morning with a prayer. "Dear God, thank you for allowing me to wake up and have another day in Colorado with Susan, truly two of your most beautiful creations."

So, when we last met, I was in Celebration and called the wife "Sell the house..." Do you remember that? Well, the very next day I was hanging out at Epcot, when I got a call from the director of sales, telling me my services were no longer required. I was stunned, shocked, flabbergasted. I was the department manger, still on a sales trip that had been a huge success by any measure. But there I was, just like the cross eyed circumciser; I got the sack!

That was in September. Susan started talking about moving almost immediately and looking at homes online. "Sue, you know I hate Florida" I'd protest. "If you hate Florida so much why do we go there all the time?" "We don't go to Florida, we go to Disney World. It's not the same". "Good" she'd say "Because we're not moving to Florida, we're moving to Celebration!" You've got to admit, she had me there.

In February we were back in Disney. It was time Sue got a look at Celebration firsthand. She was going to get Amanda on her side. "...and that will be your new school, and we'll get a nice house; like one of...well, not that...or that...or that, or that, or that. For Pete's sake Dana get us off East Lawn!"

In April she had me applying for jobs online (this internets thing is ruinin' my life).

In May, I'm invited to an interview. "Good, after the interview there's a bunch of the houses I want you to look at. Take plenty of pictures."

"Sue, I'm lost. Map quest me please" No, I am not making that up. I had my darling wife, guiding me all over the state from her office in Colorado. "What kind of drive will it be to where you'll work?" she asked "If nobody else is on the road, about forty-five minutes, with normal traffic, about a day and a half!"

In June, I was offered the job. At last Sue's dream was about to become my nightmare, so we're off to Disney and Celebration. Again. To find a place to stay until we found a house to buy.

While we were in Animal Kingdom, I got a call, we had an offer on the house.

Try and top this. While on Disney property I should never have my phone on. I've been called about distructive goats, I've been fired, I've sold a house that I didn't really want to sell. I won't even mention the call I got about the hot tub that froze solid after the party with the high school kids...Krisi, I'm looking in your direction!

On July 1st I pick up our "Save-A-Buck Rent-a-Truck" and wait for the movers to arrive. And I'm waiting, I'm waiting, I'm calling, I'm waiting. I finally get a call. They're still on a job in New Mexico!! They'll be here about an hour after the time that I had set for us to leave. So now I'm loading, I'm loading, I'm loading. When I say "I" what I really mean is..."I". See Susan felt the need to be at her job that day. Yes, the one she would not have tomorrow. She is very dedicated and there was work to be done. At the office.

She finally got to the house with just enough time to say "You're gonna need another truck."

"Okay, If I'm driving this truck, and you're driving that car, whom do you suggest drive the second truck? Should it be the dog? Because let me tell you, that dog hasn't been the same since that rancher shot him in the head! If this baby backfires, he's going to poo all over the upholstery."

Goodwill made quite the haul that day let me tell you. No second truck needed.

There we were, in the heat of the summer. Driving across the country... "In 129 miles bear right onto I-25/SR 210/CR 517/Hwy 9 to BFE ...Susan, Amanda, and her friend Andi and the two cats in the car. I got stuck in the "Save-A-Buck-Rent-A-Truck" with my wife's dog, Shane the Insane.

We arrived on the Fourth of July. It was hot and steamy (just like my underwear) and rained that afternoon. Little did I know, that was Florida's weather forcast for June, July and August. Thank God I don't live in Florida. I live in Disney's backyard. Celebration.

So, just what did Goodwill get that day?
Among other things, a one hundred year old piano that I had restored over the course of a year. A couple of wing back chairs that we had bought the month before...

...and a hand made, hot pink electric guitar that someone had to have, to impress a guy at school...Krisi I'm looking in your direction!

See ya real soon!